Asya Berberyan– Head of the Department of Psychology at the Russian-Armenian University, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, and Head of the Psychology program. She is also the Head and an active member of the Armenian Regional Branch of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League, and the Head and an active member of the Armenian Branch of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences.
Career at RAU:
Asya Berberyan has been with RAU since its founding. In 2005, she prepared the necessary materials for obtaining accreditation, which led to the establishment of the Bachelor’s program in Psychology (37.03.01). In 2009, she developed and launched several Master’s programs in Psychology: "Personality Psychology," "Management Psychology," "Family Psychology and Family Counseling," and "Military Psychology," followed by the PhD program 19.00.01 in "General Psychology, Personality Psychology, History of Psychology." All these programs are successfully functioning.
She was appointed Head of the Department of Ethno-Cultural and Ecological Tourism in 2002 and has been the Head of the Department of Psychology since 2005, when the psychology program was inaugurated.
Professional Affiliations:
- Member of the editorial boards of the journals "Vestnik RAU," "Armenian Journal of Mental Health" (RA), and the International Editorial Board of the scientific-methodological journal "Sociosphere" (Russia).
- Member of the Organizing Committee for International Conferences on Psychology and Pedagogy at the Center for the Development of Scientific Cooperation (Russia).
- Member of the editorial boards of "Russian Psychological Journal" and "Vector of Science" (TGU, Russia).
- Head and an active member of the Armenian Regional Branch of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League.
- Head and an active member of the Armenian Branch of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences.
- Member of the International Council of Professional Therapists.
- Foreign expert for the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation.
- Head of the "Ethical Committee" of the Union of Psychologists of Armenia.
Achievements and Honors:
- Represented Armenian science at international symposia, conferences, and congresses.
- Organizer of annual international and national academic and student conferences.
- Authored over 300 scientific works (h-index – 11).
- Leader of grant projects focused on the humanization of higher education, ethno-cultural identity, and organizing international conferences.
- Honorary Certificate from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for her significant contributions to the development and improvement of the educational process (2016).
- Diploma of Honor for contributions to the professional community (2016).
- Named "Best Teacher of the Year" for implementing a student-centered approach in the educational process at RAU.
- Awarded by the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo) for significant contributions to education and strengthening Russian-Armenian scientific relations.
- Title of "Honored Professor of the Russian-Armenian University" by RAU's Academic Council for her significant personal contribution to the development of the Psychology program (2018).
- Received the Order "For Services in Psychology" from MAPN, Gold Medal from the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sport of RA (2021), Gold Medal from RAU (2021), and the title "Honored Worker of the Education Sphere of the Russian Federation" (2022), among other honors.
List of publications
- Берберян А.С..Осмысление Я-концепции личности студента в реализации гуманистической позиции в процессе непрерывной практики. Сборник материалов международной научной конференции "Модернизация непрерывной практики и внедрение механизмов организации в системе высшего педагогического образования", Ереван 2013, стр. 256-260
- Берберян А.С. Компетентностный подход к обучению в контексте гуманистической парадигмы высшего образования. 4-ая Международная научная конференция. «Современные проблемы теоретической и прикладной психологии» 25-27 октября 2013 г. стр.226-228
- Берберян А.С. Проектирования учебного предмета на базе гуманизации вузовского обучения. В сборнике "Профессионализация личности в образовательных институтах и практической деятельности: теоретические и прикладные проблемы социологии и психологии труда и профессионального образования", Материалы II международной научно-практической конференции. 10-11 февраля 2013 года, стр. 50-55
- Берберян А.С. Понятие субъекта в образовательной парадигме как отражение гуманистических установок. В сборнике "Гуманизация обучения и воспитания в системе образования: теория и практика", Материалы II международной научно-практической конференции, 20-21 марта 2013 года, Прага, стр. 16-24
- Берберян А.С. Перспективы развития системы высшего образования Армении: гуманизация или гуманитаризация? Актуальная психология Научный вестник. Ереван, 2018, №1. С.19-29
- Берберян А.С. , Лалаян М.Г. Личностное самоопределение студентов как психологическая проблема Одиннадцатая годичная научная конференция. Сборник статей РА, Ереван, 2017. Часть I, стр.338-43
- Берберян А.С., Берберян Э.С. Этнопсихологические аспекты смысложизненных и ценностных ориентаций студенческой молодежи. Вопросы психологии, 2017 (1). С. 103-116. (SOCIAL SCIENCES CITATION INDEX). Skopus. Web of science
- Asya S. Berberyan, Nune T. Vardanyan, Vladimir S. Karapetyan, Srbuhi R. Gevorgyan, Albina R. Shaidullina Gender Differences in Professional Identity within Educational System of Armenia. Astra Salvensis, Year VI (2018), Supplement no. 2 EDUCATTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
- Astra Salvensis, Supplement 2/2018: Proceedings of the ―IV International Forum on Teacher Education‖, 22-24 May 2018. P.513-529 https://astrasalva.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/astra-salvensis-supplement-2-2018.pdf - Skopus https://astrasalva.wordpress.com/
- Asya S. Berberyan, Hermine S. Berberyan, The Role of Mental Operations While Memorizing Astra Salvensis, Year VI (2018), Supplement no. 2 EDUCATTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Astra Salvensis, Supplement 2/2018: Proceedings of the ―IV International Forum on Teacher Education‖, 22-24 May 2018. p. 689-701 Skopus https://astrasalva.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/astra-salvensis-supplement-2-2018.pdf - https://astrasalva.wordpress.com/
- Берберян А.С., Тучина О.Р. Исследование национальной идентичности и исторического опыта личности в титульном армянском этносе и сопряженной армянской диаспоре в России. Russian Psychological journal, vol.15, № 2, М., 2018. Web of science
- Берберян А.С., Берберян Э.С., Тучина О.Р. Cоотношение гражданской и этнической идентичности у армянской молодежи с разной длительностью проживания в Армении. Психологический журнал, 2019, том 40, № 6, с. 69–79.https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41484304 https://ras.jes.su/psy/s020595920007315-2-1 Scopus (SJR0,244) WoS (JCR0,486)
- Asya Berberyan, Irina Abakumova, Hermine Berberyan. Psychological characteristics of the value orientation system of armenians in title ethnos and russian diaspora International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education / IJCRSEE 2019, vol. 7, br. 2, - str. 11-17 https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/psychological-characteristics-of-the-value-orientation-system-of-armenians-in-title-ethnos-and-russian-diaspora/viewer http://www.ijcrsee.com/index.php/ijcrsee/Indexing Scopus
- Asya Berberyan.Significance of emotional intelligence for the innovative higher school teachers readiness for a person-centered interaction 2-я Международная научно-практическая конференция «Тенденции развития психолого-педагогического образования в условиях транзитивного общества» (ICTDPP-2020) ДГТУ 2020 SCOPUS - CiteScore 2018 = 0,77
- Asya Berberyan.Impact of internet dependence on the life meaning system of personality(ITE-2021) E3S Web Conf. Volume 258, 2021 Ural Environmental Science Forum “Sustainable Development of Industrial Region” (UESF-2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202125807061 Volume 258 (2021)
- Berberyan A.S., Gevorgyan S.R., Berberyan E.S. Self-actualization: Methodological and Practical Aspects of Studying the Personality of Students in the Process of Distance Learning Wisdom, Yerevan, 2021 – 14 p. Scopus
- Берберян А.С., Бульцева М.А., Бушина Е.В., Коджа Е.А.. Роль слветскойй идентичности во взаимосвязи мультикультурализма и проницаемости социальных границ для русских в Армении В журнале: Культурно-историческая психология , том 17, номер 4, 2021 ISSN: 1816-5435eISSN: 2224-8935 Стр. 56-64 Scopus
- Берберян А.С., Корнилова О.А., Шаталина М.А., Матасова И.Л. Отношение к вакцинации молодежи Армении и России в зависимости от этнопсихологических особенностей личности Вопросы психологии Т.67, №6, 2021, стр. 92-101. Scopus web of science
- Asya Berberyan, Srbuhi Gevorgyan, Hermine Berberyan Self-Actualization and Stress Resistance: Methodological and Practical Aspects of Studying the Personality of Students in the Process of Distance Learning, p.44-59 WISDOM vol. 21 no. 1 (2022): 1-2022 Scopus, Q 2.
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