
Bardakchyan Hovhanes

Candidate of political sciences


Education and training
Date 2014-2018
Qualification received - Bachelor's degree at the Department of World History and Foreign Regional Studies of the RAU, specialization: Foreign Regional Studies.
Date 2018-2020
Qualification received - Master’s degree at the Department of World History and Foreign Regional Studies of the RAU, specialization: Foreign Regional Studies.
Date 2020-2023
Qualification received - Postgraduate student and PhD candidate at the Department of World Politics and International Relations of the RAU.
December 21, 2023
Qualification received - Defense of PhD dissertation on the topic "The influence of the evolution of elites on the foreign policy of the People's Republic of China (2003-2020)"

Work experience
Lecturer at the Russian-Armenian University (RAU) from 2020 to 2024
Internship at the Department of Foreign Relations and Protocol of the Office of the President of the Republic of Armenia from 10.09.2021 to 10.11.2021

ԻԳ.00.04 International Relations

Taught disciplines
History of Russia, History of Armenia, Political geography of the countries of the region of specialization, Social and economic geography of the EAR, Problems of security and conflicts of the countries of the region of specialization, Social and economic geography of the Francophone countries, Modern global problems of the countries of the region of specialization, Special discipline, Theory of conflict and analysis of conflict in the countries of the region of specialization, Comparative models of the countries of the region of specialization

Professional Development
Date 2017 September–December
Qualification received - Language internship at the Changchun University of the People's Republic of China under the program of “Confucius Institutes" in the specialty "Chinese language and culture".

Grants, scholarships and government awards
1. Winner of the international debates organized by the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member Nations in St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg, 16.09.2019
2. Second place among the Master Degree students in the humanity studies in the "The Best Student of Armenia" national competition. Yerevan, 2019
3. Academician Levon Mkrtchyan scholarship holder for masters and specialists for the 2019-2020 academic years. Yerevan, 2019
4. Incentive grant from the Embassy of the People's Republic of China. Yerevan, 15.11.2019

Scientific interests

  • Political culture of the Asia-Pacific region
  • History of the East Asian region
  • Socio-political processes of the Asia-Pacific region
  • Cultural and educational policy of the PRC
  • Cultural and religious picture of the East Asian region
  • Geopolitics

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