
Кардумян Вреж Григорьевич

Кандидат исторических наук, доцент


Кардумян Вреж Григорьевич - к.ист.н., доцент, МИД РА, Европейский департамент

Преподавательская деятельность:
На кафедре работает с 2008 года. Ведет занятия по курсам «Экономическая дипломатия», «Теория международных отношений и дипломатия». В магистратуре читает курс «Политический анализ и дипломатическая переписка». Руководит выпускными квалификационными работами бакалавров и магистерскими диссертациями.

Научная деятельность:
Автор более 20 научных работ и статей.

Стажировки, конференции:
July 1-5, 2013 Swiss Leadership Award in International Relations Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva
June 6 – 26, 2014  John Smith Trust felowship Programme on Democratic Society and Good Governance, UK,  London /Action Plan: Promoting Efficiency and Transparency in Foregn Policy Making process of the Republic of Armenia
August 2016 Bucerios summer school on global governance Germany, Hamburg-Berlin

Владение иностранными языками:
Армянский, английский, русский, немецкий.



Научные интересы

  • Армяно-российские отношения, геополитика, экономическая дипломатия, международные экономические отношения.

Список основных публикаций

  • Kardumyan V. The Geopolitical Factor in the Foreign Policy of Armenia// Free Thought (Svobodnaia Misl), Moscow, 2007.
  • Kardumyan V. The Armenian Diaspora in Russia and its Influence on Armenian-Russian Relations// Russia and the Contemporary World (Rosia i sovremenni mir), Moscow, 2008.
  • Kardumyan V. Armenian-Russian Relations. The Vision of the Opposition// Free Thought (Svobodnaia Misl), Moscow, 2008.
  • Kardumyan V. Armenian-Russian Military-Political Relations within the context of the New Geopolitical Situation in the South Caucasus//Law and Reality, Yerevan, 2008.
  • Kardumyan V. The Russian Vector in the Foreign Economic Policy of the Republic of Armenia// Russia and the New Eurasian States, Moscow, 2009.
  • Kardumyan V. The Karabakh Conflict within the Context of Russian-American Relations. The Armenian Vision//Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Moscow, 2009.
  • Kardumyan V. Armenian-Russian Military-Political Relations in the Post-Soviet Period// Russia and the New Eurasian States, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Moscow, 2010.
  • Kardumyan V. The Consept of Hans Morgenthau in the History of Conservative Political Thought//Issues of Political Science 2011: The Conservative Stream and Political Processes in the Republic of Armenia, Yerevan, 2011.
  • Kardumyan V. The Ideology of the Balance of Power According to David Hume //Issues of Political Science 2011: The Conservative Stream and Political Processes in the Republic of Armenia, Yerevan, 2011.
  • Kardumyan V. Armenian-Russian Relations after the Collapse of the USSR. The Characteristics and Evolution of the Main Stages// Caucasica, Institute of Political and Social Studies of the Black Sea-Caspian Region, Moscow, 2011.
  • Kardumyan V. Collective Security in the South Caucasus. Conseptual Approaches of Regional States// // Caucasica, Institute of Political and Social Studies of the Black Sea-Caspian Region, Moscow, 2012.
  • Kardumyan V. Cyber security as an important compound of the National Security of the Republic of Armenia// “Armenian Army”, 2013.
  • Kardumyan V. International Relations: an Autonom Discipline or a Constituent Part of Political Science?
  • Kardumyan V. Ludwig Gumlovich’s Ideas of Social State within the Context of the Theory of Modernization// Issues of Political Science 2012, Yerevan, 2013.
  • Kardumyan V. New Challenges to National and International Security// Gladzor University, Yerevan, 2013.
  • Kardumyan V. Some issues of the contemprorary world system in the 21st Centuary//Educational-methodoliogical handbook, Yerevan, 2014, P. 200.
  • Kardumyan V. The Decline of US Power: Perception or Reality//ITD, State Department, US, 2014. PP. 34-37.
