About Us

Institute of international relations and sociopolitical sciences


The Institute of International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences was established by Rector’s decree No. 01-07/1314 dated June 5, 2024. It is an innovative educational division of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, created through the integration of socio-political and social knowledge.
The Institute of International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences has the following departments:
Department of world history and foreign regional studies
Department of World Politics and International Relations
Department of Political Science Named After K.A. Mirumyan
Department of psychology
Department of philosophy

The Department of World History and Foreign Regional Studies, with the support of the Japanese Embassy, has established and operates the Center for Japanese Language and Culture. The Institute of International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences implements the following educational programs:
41.03.01 Foreign region studies ("Chinese study", "Japanese study", "Korean study", "Regional studies of Francophone countries") Russian sector (full-time form of education).
41.03.05 World politics and international relations
Russian sector (full-time training)
Armenian sector (full-time form of education)
Armenian sector (correspondence form)
41.03.04 Political science
Russian sector (full-time training)
Armenian sector (full-time form of education)
Armenian sector (correspondence form)
37.03.01 Psychology 
Russian sector (full-time and part-time forms of education) 
47.03.01 Philosophy 
Russian sector (full-time and part-time forms of education) 

Master's Programs:

41.04.01 Regional Studies
Foreign regional studies ("Sinology," "Japanology," "Korean Studies," "Regional studies of Francophone countries ") Russian sector (full-time form of education).
41.04.05 World Politics and International Relations
  "International Relations and Diplomacy" (Russian sector, part-time/full-time format)
  "International Relations and Diplomacy" (Russian sector, full-time format)
   Joint Master’s Program with MGIMO University of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (Russian sector, full-time format)
   Contemporary Diplomacy and International Affairs (English sector, full-time format)
41.04.04 Political Science
"National Security" (Russian and Armenian sector, full-time format)
"National Security" (Russian sector, part-time/full-time format)
"Applied Political Science" (Russian and Armenian sector, full-time format)
37.04.01 Psychology
 "Personality Psychology" (Russian sector, full-time and part-time/full-time formats)
 "Management Psychology" (Russian sector, full-time and part-time/full-time formats)
 "Family Psychology and Family Counseling" (Russian sector, full-time and part-time/full-time formats)
  Military Psychology (Russian sector, full-time and part-time/full-time formats)
47.04.01 Philosophy of Global Transformations (Russian sector, full-time format)

5.5.4. International politics and relations
"International relations, global and regional studies", the Russian sector (part-time training).
Political science
5.5.1.  "History and theory of politics", Russian sector (full-time form of education)
5.5.2. "Political institutions, processes, technologies", the Russian sector (full form of education).
ԺԹ.00.00 Psychological sciences
ԺԹ.00.01 "General psychology", Russian sector (full-time form of education)

"Theory and history of psychology", Russian sector (full form of education)
"Psychology of the personality", Russian sector (full-time form of education


Institute Director

Margaryan Yervand 
Doctor of History, Professor

Director of the Institute of International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences, Senior Fellow at the Institute of Oriental Studies of NAS RA.
Chief editor of the electronic journal «Urbis et Orbis. Microhistory and semiotics of the city».
Head of the Joint Laboratory for World System and Geocivilization Analysis of the Russian-Armenian University and the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography.
The editor of the scientific collection RAU «Confucian readings in RAU».
Responsible editor of the scientific collection RAU «Ex Orient Lux». Change of worldview paradigm from Eurocentrism to universalism».

1978-1983 - student of the historical-English department of the Institute of Russian and foreign languages. V. Brusova.
1987-1990 - graduate of the Institute of History AN Arm. SSR.
February 1992 - defended the candidate thesis on the topic «Sanctuary of the country of Kommageny and Armenia». He was a professor at the University of Moscow.
2002-2006 - senior lecturer at Linguistic University named after V. Brusov.
2006-2013 - Associate Professor of the Department of World History of Yerevan State. University. He is a member of the International Association of Russian Federation.
2006-2023. Head of the Department of World History and Foreign Regional Studies of RAU. 
Deputy director of INEM RAU.
In 2014 - defended the doctoral thesis on the topic of Mithraism in the political and religious-ethical system of the ancient world. Kommagena, Sopena, Armenia, Rome».
2023  - Director of the Institute of Humanities RAU.
2024 - Director of the Institute of International Relations and Socio- Political Sciences.

Awards and certificates:
• Commemorative medal of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RA for great contribution to the field of education and science of the RA (2019).
• Gold medal of RAU. For high merit and significant contribution to the establishment and development of the Russian-Armenian University (November 2021).
• Certificate of qualification on «Methodology of linguistic testing (elementary, basic, I levels of certification) and testing in the Russian language for persons claiming to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation and migrant workers» (registration number 1600/306) 2014.
Author of 13 monographs, 97 scientific and 4 journalistic articles, 2 textbooks.

Field of professional interests:
  •  Hellenistic civilization;
  •  Medieval history;
  •  Urban history, urban studies;
  •  Theory of history;
  •  East Asian civilizations (China, Japan).



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